Side By Side with Mark Hirschman on Follow Up

Side By Side with Mark Hirschman on Follow Up
Whether you’re a church or a business, building a small group or a personal brand; it’s not just reaching your clients or audience but reaching back out to them. Anyone can have a customer once, anyone can have a visitor once but are you doing what it takes to get them to come back? Let’s talk about it.
2 Things From This Episode
1. Follow Up Is Two-Fold
Follow up is two-fold.
1. Give them the best experience now
2. Find out what they love and help them discover what else we can offer in the future.
Follow-up is key for any successful organization. You can’t follow up without being authentic and genuine. It’s all about the relationship. Coach your teams to ask questions to learn about the individual. The more you learn, the more you can create a moment to follow up with.
Follow-up is key for any successful organization. Share on X
You can't follow up without being authentic and genuine. Share on X
2. It’s All About The Details
It’s all about the details. The details of our lives move away our titles and positions and make us individuals. The details are the most important things about a person. Follow up is all about seeing the details, capturing it and making it memorable. Follow up is about the long game.
The details of our lives move away our titles and positions and make us individuals. Share on X
Show Notes:
Follow Up Process from Mark’s organization
Client Interactions:
Within 48 Hours
Send a handwritten thank you note.
Ensure follow up with promised information.
One Month
Send a gift/keepsake.
Reach out in connection to a life event.
Team Leaders Interactions:
Follow up at end of day or next day on agreed actions.
Recognize team members who complete 48 Hour follow up.
Set up a longer term follow up goals.
Talk through roadblocks and encourage team members.
Follow up on action items to roadblocks. Adjust course or recognize for overcoming.
Recognize team members who complete One Month follow up.
Allow recognized team members to coach others on follow up goals.
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