Interview: Justin Mayo on Starting

Interview with Justin Mayo on Starting

What happens when God gives you something new? What happens when the Holy Spirit drops a fire on the inside of you? What do you do with it? Where do you begin? How do you begin? The questions can quickly outnumber the answers but one thing is for sure… you have to do something. How can we put action behind the call of God on our lives? Let’s talk about it.


Guest: Justin Mayo

Justin Mayo is the Executive Director of Red Eye. As a frequent guest the United Nations, UNICEF, Young G8 Summit and The White House he has met Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton amongst other world leaders. He leads a global team to further develop what today has emerged as a compelling non-profit of Culture Creators, Influencers and Leaders in key culture cities around the globe.

Justin Mayo’s Email
Red Eye’s Website
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3 Things From This Episode

1. No Time To Wait.

Many people want to wait till they have the perfect setting and ideal scenario before they will act on something. Waiting till everything is just right means you’ll never do it. Life doesn’t get much slower, it’s full and if you’re not intentional it won’t happen.

Waiting till everything is just right means you'll never do it. Share on X

2. Failure Is Not Fatal.

Failure doesn’t have to be fatal. If you fall – fall forward. Everyone has failed but they are ones we will read about in the history books. Get up and push on. Be willing to do everything has an experiment. You have an unfair advantage because you have Christ.

Failure doesn't have to be fatal. If you fall - fall forward Share on X

You have an unfair advantage because you have Christ. Share on X

3. Believe It For You. 

We are often guilty of believing the great promises and proclamations for our friends and their lives but when it comes to us we are frozen by fear. God has created and crafted you to do what He has called you to do. Who is on the other end of what God has called you to?

Who is on the other end of what God has called you to? Share on X


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