April – 2021 Monthly Leadership Session with Jeff Cochran Part 2

April – 2021 Monthly Leadership Session with Jeff Cochran Part 2

Jeff Cochran is the foundering of Jeff Cochran Coaching & Communication and the author of Next Level Leader: Discover Your Strengths, Transform Your Leadership, and Escape Average. We are facing a crisis of leadership called average. In businesses, churches, nonprofits, and the like, far too many leaders have settled for the status quo. We are stuck repeating patterns of the past without taking time to evaluate how to learn and lead well. But what separates average leaders from those who go to the Next Level? Let’s talk about it.

Missed Part 1? Find it here.

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Highlight From This Episode

1.  The 3 Spheres of a Next Level Leader. 

Inner Drive – This is all about self-drive. These leaders are high energy, highly motivated driven leaders who thrive under a challenge. Without a strong inner drive leaders will wait to react instead of being proactive.

Outward Focus – This is all about those around you. These leaders are focused on people before task. They make you feel better and believe in yourself. Without a strong outward focus a leader can run over those around them.

Disciplined Determination  – This is all about tough choices. These are traits leaders must developed to have longevity.  Without the discipline to do what needs to be done a leader will be ineffective.

Without a strong inner drive leaders will wait to react instead of being proactive. Share on X Without a strong outward focus a leader can run over those around them. Share on X

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