Interview: Todd McVicker on Leading Through Change

Interview with Todd McVicker on Leading Through Change

What happens when things are changing around you and you’re the leader? How you handle moments of change as a leader will not only define your leadership but will shape the lives of those following you. How do you lead through change? Let’s talk about it.

Guest: Todd McVicker

Todd McVicker is a Campus Worship Pastor at Victory World Church and currently serves at the Midtown location. His passion is to help connect people each and every weekend to the presence and heartbeat of God. He’s been at Victory for over 19 years and has served on every platform from youth and young adult ministries to campus launch teams.

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3 Things From This Episode

1. Listening to the voice of God.

When I was first asked to step into a new role I said, “No.” but my leaders challedneged me to pray about it. The more you pray, listen to the voice of God, the more you feel your heart being shifted to where He’s calling you. Even when things didn’t happen like I thought they would, I knew God was telling me that this was for me. You have to listen to the voice of the Lord, trust Him and stick with it.

You have to listen to the voice of the Lord, trust Him and stick with it. Share on X

2. Ask for help.

Right after listening to the voice of God is listening to the voices of those around you. Someone has been where you’re going and leaning on their wisdom and knowledge is key. We would ask for help from big issues to to small circumstances. We would use the skill and information others had to apply to our area.

Someone has been where you're going and leaning on their wisdom and knowledge is key. Share on X

3. Stay Humble. 

When you’re the leader, when God trust you with something new, it’s very easy for you to think higher of yourself then you ought to. Good leaders know when to step up and lead and when to tap others. It has to be about others. If you’re not constantly trying to find someone else to pour into pride can quickly set in. There’s freedom in knowing you don’t always have to have the best idea in the room.

If you're not constantly trying to find someone else to pour into pride can quickly set in. Share on X

There's freedom in knowing you don't always have to have the best idea in the room. Share on X


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