Side By Side with Greggory David on Perseverance

Side By Side with Greggory David on Leading Through Perseverance

2 Things From This Episode

What does it mean to persevere?  What does it look like to maintain the heart of a leader when things are going wrong? How we handle disappointment and setbacks often shape us more than our successes. How can we be the kind of people others can follow when life hits back? What does it take to persevere?  Let’s talk about it.

1. Looking forward.

Perseverance doesn’t happen on accident. Share on XIt’s an intentional mindset that you have to take. We have to let go of our desire to control the situation and let God have His way. There’s an area in all of our lives that is just beyond our control. We must decide if we’re going to get bitter or better. When you trust that God will work all things out for your good it allows you to take things one day at a time. It may take years to know why, if you ever know, but perseverance is about staying the course. It’s staying connected to the truth that He loves me and my best days are ahead of me – not behind me.

2. Stay connected to the Father.

When you’re going through a tough time you have to practice leaning into Jesus. It’s not going to just happen. It’s a conscious decision to look at my blessings instead of the things I don’t have yet. You can miss what God is doing in this season if you’re not intentional about staying connected to Jesus. There’s beauty there. You have to see it. Believing is active. Approach every day like today is the day where I will overcome. Share on X


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