Side By Side with Mike Kaupe on the Case for Managers

Side By Side with Mike Kaupe on the Case for Managers

We’ve all heard it… “I’m looking for leaders, not managers. Managers just maintain but leaders bring growth!” Basically, leaders are good & managers are bad. There has been a full on war on management in the name of leadership, but how accurate is it? Are managers really the cold lifeless curmudgeon of the status quo or have we been sold a lie? Let’s talk about it.

Guest Links: Mike Kaupe

Mike Kaupe is an award winning Pre Sales Manager at Workday, an on‑demand financial management software vendor. With almost 20 years in customer sales and team management, Mike brings tremendous insight into building effective and successful teams. In 2005 he became the President & Co-Founder of Angela Michael Skincare & Spa in Dunwoody, GA.

Mike Kaupe on LinkedIn
Mike Kaupe on Twitter
President/Co-Founder of Angela Michael Skincare & Spa

3 Things From This Episode

1.  2 Paths

You need to be a good leader but to be a great leader you must manage the status quo. You have to be a good manager if you are going to be a good leader. Leadership and Management have 2 paths.

  1. Thought Leaders – They lead a process.
  2. People Leaders – They lead teams of people.

Successful leaders have to possess both qualities. Leaders must understand the processes of the job and passions of their teams. You can be good at both but you must focus on both. You can get things done but have no relational influence with your team members. If you succeed at making things happen but fail at connecting with your team then you have failed.


  1. What areas can you increase the efficiency of your teams?
  2. What passions drive your team to do their job every day?
You have to be a good manager if you are going to be a good leader. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X Successful leaders are both Thought Leaders & People Leaders. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X If you make things happen but fail at connecting with your team then you have failed. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X

2. Growing the Other Side
There is nothing more intentional than growth. Goals (quarterly, annually & long term) help you focus on where you need to grow. A good leader’s goals surrounds the goals of their teams. Getting consistent feedback from your team allows you to measure how well you’re doing at your goals. The best leaders consistently hit their goals and connect with their teams. Skip-Level meetings, meetings with your manager’s manager, allow you to get clarity and connection upward into the organization. As feedback comes in be ready to change your goals to align with the input of others.


  1. What goals are you setting to help you grow as a leader/manager?
  2. How often are you asking for feedback from direct reports, peers or supervisors?
A good leader's goals surrounds the goals of their teams. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X The best leaders consistently hit their goals and connect with their teams. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X

3. Consistency

When you’re consistently hitting your goals and consistently encouraging your team you’re hitting the target. It’s ok to be consistent with inconsistency. You won’t succeed at everything. Knowing that should push you to improve. Look for consistency in your success and in your significance.


  1. How consistent are you at reaching your goals & connecting with your teams?
When you're consistently hitting your goals & encouraging your team you're hitting the target. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X Look for consistency in your success and in your significance. @Mike_Kaupe Share on X


Episode Links:

Manager Tools on iTunes



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