Interview: Jonathan Golden, CEO of Land of 1,000 Hills on Why Vision Isn’t Enough

Interview: Jonathan Golden Land, CEO of Land of 1,000 Hills on Why Vision Isn’t Enough

Leaders, no matter the level, are visionaries and trailblazers. They take us places we didn’t know we could go and motivate us to do more than we thought we could do. But what happens when the leader’s vision doesn’t lead where they said it would? In 2017 Ford, Yahoo! and Uber all fired their CEO’s. What causes great leaders with extraordinary vision to fail? What stop’s great visionaries from becoming great leaders? Why is vision not enough? Let’s talk about it.

Guest: Jonathan Golden


Jonathan Golden is the founder and CEO of Land of a Thousand Hills coffee company, author of Be You. Do Good. and Pastor of St. Peter’s Place Anglican Church in Roswell, GA. Jonathan promotes social, spiritual, and economic justice while providing a living wage to over 2,500 farmers in Rwanda.

Founder & CEO of Land of a Thousand Hills
Author of Be You. Do Good.
Discover more at
Jonathan on Twitter
Land of 1,000 Hills on Twitter
Pastor of St. Peter’s Place Anglican Church


3 Things From This Episode

1. Launching vs. Maintaining

To start something takes creative vision. Visionaries often run on a “See It, Say It, Seize It” mentality. They can see something where there is nothing and take the step to get started. They have to be bullheaded and a little stubborn. The problem is, a visionaries strength is also their weakness. What was a strength when launching something can become a weakness when maintaining it.

Visionaries can see something where there is nothing & take steps to get started. @jonathandgolden Share on X A strength when launching can become a weakness when maintaining it. @jonathandgolden Share on X

2. Lead Vision vs. Shared Vision

CEOs fail because they don’t allow the lead vision to become a shared vision. The leader’s vision must become a shared vision by everyone in the organization. It’s the leader’s responsibility to bind the multiple visions together in a way that it becomes a shared vision.

The leader's vision must become a shared vision. @jonathandgolden Share on X

3. Hunter vs. Farmers

Visionaries like to blaze trails but most of the world’s population likes to drive on paved roads. If we’re always blazing trails, we’re not making the world a safer place for our teams. Hunters like to hunt and farmers like to maintain what’s already there. If you want to build an organization you need to let the farmers tend to what you just created.

Visionaries like to blaze trails but most people like to drive on paved roads. @jonathandgolden Share on X To build an organization let the farmers tend what you just created. @jonathandgolden Share on X




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