August – 2017 Monthly Leadership Session: 4 Ways to be a Better ____ (fill in the blank)

August – 2017 Monthly Leadership Session – 4 Ways to be a Better ____ (fill in the blank)

Everyone wants to be better at what they do. Whether you’re called to be a leader, a cook, a teacher or a foster parent, we can all make the most of who we are and grow into who we want to be. There are proven and practical steps to become a better (fill in the blank). What does it take to become more than you are? Let’s talk about it.

4 Highlights From This Episode

1. Pursue Growth

To become better you have to be willing to do new things. Want to be a better cook? Cook new things. Want to be a better leader? Put yourself in a position that requires leadership. When you pursue growth you’re looking for every chance to stretch your ability. You never know what you’re great at until you do it. To pursue growth you must look for opportunities, face your fears and put yourself in situations where you will be challenged. Growth doesn’t occur in the absence of stress. Your gift responds to the pressure you put it under so pursue growth.

You never know what you're great at until you do it. Share on X Growth doesn't occur in the absence of stress. Share on X

2. Find a Mentor

You can spend a lifetime learning from your mistakes or from the mistakes of someone else’s lifetime. Finding a mentor to study under allows you to learn in minutes what would have taken years. Reach out to a mentor who talks and listens (a more in depth post on that to come) to you. Want to become a better musician? Find a better musician. Want to become a better speaker? Find a better speaker. Want to become a better father? Find the best father you know and take a seat.

You can spend a lifetime learning from your mistakes or from the mistakes of someone else's lifetime. Share on X Finding a mentor to study under allows you to learn in minutes what would have taken years. Share on X

3. Become Emotionally Aware

To become a better (fill in the blank) you must recgoize where you truly are in your jouney. Emotional awareness is knowing who you are and being able to express the real you. You may be further than you thought. You might not be a far as you imagined. It’s not about perfection but reality. Admit your mistakes, realign your goals to overcome them and believe, not just in who you are, but in who you’re becoming. You can’t improve someone you’re not.

For more on this check out Knowing You 1 & 2.

Admit your mistakes, realign your goals and believe in who you're becoming. Share on X You can't improve someone you're not. Share on X

4. Be Passionate

Passion compensates. An ounce of passion is worth a pound of talent. Your talent draws people but your passion keeps them. There’s a difference in seeing what you can do (your talent) and knowing why you do it (your passion). A skill can be learned by simplest of minds but passion comes from the heart. The fire in your heart is greater than the skill of your hands.

An ounce of passion is worth a pound of talent. Share on X The fire in your heart is greater than the skill of your hands. Share on X



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