July – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Jennifer MacLean

July – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Jennifer MacLean
Jennifer MacLean is the Social Media Consulting Practice Manager at one of the worlds largest Fortune 100 companies. With over 13 years in innovative brand management and social media strategy she combines the focus and determination of marketplace leadership with the creative and powerful innovation of digital and social engagement. How do we become the kind of leader who operates in both the analytical and methodical? How do we use both the Left & Right Brain? How do we use our talents outside of the box? How can we help others do the same? Let’s talk about it.

Highlight From This Episode

1. Courage & Humility 
Being a leader in a complex environment requires you to stretch your mind. Whether you’re methodical or creative you must be able to “cross over” and engage the problem from every angle. You must get creative… even in the analytics. To create solutions you must approach it from every angle and begin to tie those pieces together. When leading a diverse team you must have the courage to bring in your knowledge but the humility to learn from their perspective.

To create solutions you must approach it from every angle and begin to tie those pieces together. Share on X

When leading a diverse team you must have the courage to bring your knowledge but the humility to learn from their perspective. Share on X



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