January – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Aaron Williams

January – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Aaron Williams

Aaron Williams is the Mill Creek NG3 School Director; a student athletic organization whose primary goals are to serve and lead student athletes through character development discussions, devotionals, and student mentorship. Aaron leads the charge in reaching out to up-and-coming athletes to help them become the best version of themselves. His focus on others is both rare and impactful. How can we lift the focus off of ourselves and raise up those around us? What are the ingredients of great mentorship? Let’s talk about it.

Highlight From This Episode

1. Effective Leadership is Inviting Someone into a Relationship

The number aspect of a leader is to serve side by side with others. Effective leadership is inviting someone into a relationship. It’s not just telling someone how to do something but showing them. It’s easy to tell someone how to fix something but it’s a completely different level to show them. You can’t lead someone without being near them. Real leadership means proximity. 


Effective leadership is inviting someone into a relationship. @NG3_MillCreek Share on X You can't lead someone without being near them. Real leadership means proximity. @NG3_MillCreek Share on X



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