December – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Judy West

December – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Judy West Judy West is the head of Pastoral and Leadership Development at the Crossing, a non-denominational church with four St. Louis area-locations. She also leds the WXP: Women Executive Pastors, a group of women who sit on executive teams and function in second chair positions at their churches. After the events in Ferguson, MO divided the nation, The Crossing took center stage the fight for Racial Reconciliation. 5 years later, where are they now? What has changed? What can we learn? Let’s talk about it.  

Highlight From This Episode

1. Take the Long Game

With so many issues in front of us we often want to see massive change everywhere. But to change a culture you have to commit to the baby steps and be intentional. We believe that if we changed one mindset, if we bridged one gap then we’ve made an impact. We often want to see immediate change but it doesn’t always happen that way. We have to take the long game. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. We all want this solved now but it’s about trusting God with the process. 

To change a culture you have to commit to the baby steps and be intentional. Share on X We have to take the long game. It's a marathon, not a sprint. We all want solutions now but it's about trusting God with the process. Share on X


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1 Comment

  1. jeff wiggins
    December 21, 2019 - 3:29 pm

    God bless you guys (& gals) for what you’re doing to help everybody there & re-build the community; heaven knows they sure can use all of the help they can get in these trying times… – my heart goes out to them – (& you); keep up the good work!

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