April – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Gre Calcaño

April – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Gre Calcaño

Gre (Grelauris) Calcaño received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University at Buffalo then started her career as a teacher. After teaching 2nd, 4th & 5th she transitioned into administration and became a Principal of a local Elementary School in Lawrenceville, GA. Gre speaks with us on Coronavirus (COVID-19), its impact on the education system and how to engage with students during this time. What are teachers and administrators doing to help students and parents? What could we do to partner with educators right now? Let’s talk about it.

Highlight From This Episode

1. Perspectives.

In this new season of work and serving others we need to make sure we hear the voices of those around us. If there was ever a time when we needed different perspectives, it’s now. We, as leaders, need to know where people are coming from and what they bring to the table. Our individual experiences are not enough to solve the problems in front of us.

If there was ever a time when we needed different perspectives, it's now. @grelauris Share on X

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