June – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Ryan C. Bailey

June – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Ryan C. Bailey

Ryan C. Bailey is the President & CEO of Ryan C. Bailey and Associates, an Atlanta-based organizational effectiveness firm. With clients all over the world Ryan challenges and equips leaders of all levels to create and sustain high performing teams. What’s holding you back from being everything you were created to be? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. Predictability & Vulnerability

In order for trust to be developed across any team there must be high levels of Predictability and Vulnerability. Think of Predictability as how well you know your team members and Vulnerability as how well your team members know your weaknesses and pitfalls. We must be willing to be human beings at work.

In order for trust to be developed across any team there must be high levels of Predictability and Vulnerability. @ryancbailey Share on X

We must be willing to be human beings at work. @ryancbailey Share on X


2. Leaders Go First

Leaders must lead the way in getting to know each other’s stories. Sharing parts of your story anywhere from 40 mins to 5 mins will set the example for your team to follow. When you let people in it shows them that you want to be known and want to know them. Leaders can become isolated from what’s really happening in their organizations. Building trust on your teams is about consistency over time.

Leaders must lead the way in getting to know each other’s stories. @ryancbailey Share on X Building trust on your teams is about consistency over time. @ryancbailey Share on X






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