
Hello & Welcome.
I wanted to create a site where anyone could be equipped to lead wherever they in whatever they do. It’s my desire that you are fulfilled as you pour out, replenished as you give your life away and experience God anew as grow and accomplish what He’s called you to do. Your time as a leader should be the most rewarding and gratifying season of your life. I pray you find resources here that encourage and challenge you to be more than you are.
So, welcome! Welcome to the beginning of the you that your world, your community has been waiting for. As you drawn nearer to Him, He will draw near to you. As you push yourself to dive deeper He will meet you more than half way. Every post, every article, every podcast, every video will be designed to bring you higher in your walk with Him (Discipleship) & your influence with others (Leadership).
It’s gonna be a great ride. Are you ready? He is.
– Avery
How Healthy Are You?
Quick Quotables