June – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – How To Lead Through Change

June – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – How To Lead Through Change
The only thing that is constant is change. Heraclitus of Ephesus said that over 2,000 years ago and it still rings true today. If you’re not going through change – you will. The question isn’t if but when. And the bigger question isn’t how will you get through change but how will you lead through it. How do we effectively lead through times of change? Let’s talk about it.
3 Highlights From This Episode
Change is the great equalizer of mankind. Some handle it better than others but overall most people find it very difficult. If you were to take the best leaders, the best thinkers, the best performers and you drop some sudden change on them… it can wreck their entire game.
People are hard wired to do the same thing over and over again. That’s why there are countless books and blogs that offer products to help you form new habits and break old ones.
1. Remain Steadfast and Constant.
While others are running around trying to figure out what to do next, how to live in this new environment, the greatest thing the leader can do is to remain constant in the change.
Without an anchor the storm destroys the ship.
Without a compass, without a northern star, even the greatest of explores is lost.
When you sense change it’s your responsibility as the leader, someone with influence, to remain steadfast and constant on what you know and what you can control.
When you sense change it’s your responsibility as the leader, someone with influence, to remain steadfast and constant on what you know and what you can control. Share on X
2. What You Know & What You Can Control
Great leaders focus on what they know, what they can control and communicate them as often and clearly as they can.
What You Know:
We’re In This Together – This isn’t about anyone, but everyone.
This Isn’t Your First Rodeo – We’ve survived change before and we’ll do it again.
Our Core Values Won’t Change – Remember the Why and hold on to it.
What You Can Control:
Your Words – Do your words bring confidence or confusion to the change?
Your Actions – Are your actions or inactions eroding or supporting the change?
Your Attitude – Are you saying/doing the right things from a place of deceit?
In times of change you still have 100% control over your words, your actions and your attitude. Share on X
One thing is clear, when the future is foggy we truly need leaders to lead. In the midst of change remain constant by focusing on what you know, what you can control and communicate those as often and as clearly as you can.
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Leading His Leaders Podcast
May - 2018 Monthly Leadership Session - Maybe You’re Better Than You Thought You Were
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