January- 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – How to Build A Healthy Culture

January – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – How to Build A Healthy Culture

It’s the beginning of the year and there are so many things we could talk about. But when it all boils down, there are a few fundamental elements that all great leaders share. There are a few basic abilities found in every effective leader and one of the biggest ones is the ability to create a healthy culture. What kind of culture do you create for those around you? What is left behind in the wake of your leadership? Does your impact on your organization and teams build up or tear others down and what can you do about it? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. Corporate Leadership Culture vs. Individual Leadership Culture

Companies, like individuals, take on a distinctive leadership culture. Some are good and some are bad. The good ones leave us inspired and motivated while the bad ones leave us drained and beat-down.

People make promises to never work for a company that treats them “like that” or “does that” (corporate culture) but rarely stop and think their impact (individual leadership culture) with others.

People make promises to never work for a company that treats them like that or does that (corporate culture) but rarely stop and think their impact (individual leadership culture) with others. Share on X

When someone leaves an interaction with us, what is left behind? What fingerprint are we leaving on the lives of those we lead? Your leadership culture is not a product of who you want be, it’s product of who you are.

Your leadership culture is not a product of who you want be, it’s product of who you are. Share on X

2. Who Are You When Everyone Is Looking

If your integrity is who you are when no one is looking, then your leadership culture is who you are when everyone is looking. If you are kind and caring in a one-on one but overbearing and aggressive in front of the team then your leadership culture is based on fear and intimidation.

If your integrity is who you are when no one is looking, then your leadership culture is who you are when everyone is looking. Share on X

Your leadership culture is the sum of your values, beliefs, interactions, behaviors, and attitudes.



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