Interview: Josh Vaughan on Maintaining Your Identity

Interview with Josh Vaughan on Maintaining Your Identity

Leaders give their all to what they do. They live and breathe for the passion in their souls and they inspire others to follow them. So, what happens when that role, that position, that job is gone? When the title melts away who are we? What happens when life changes but we didn’t ask for a change? How do we separate who we are from what we do? How do we maintain our identity? Let’s talk about it.

Guest: Josh Vaughan

Josh Vaughan signed with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an undrafted free agent in 2009 after playing college football at the University of Richmond. Josh went on to be a member of the Jacksonville Jaguars, Carolina Panthers, Indianapolis Colts, Buffalo Bills and Atlanta Falcons. In 2014 he retired from professional football.

Josh Vaughn on Twitter


2 Things From This Episode

1. Knowing Who We Are

When I was cut from my last team I felt the loneliness but then I realized football was not who I was. I’m a Man of God before I’m a football player. When I wasn’t playing I was frustrated, struggled to be a good father & husband but the Lord reminded me of all the times He took care of me.

When changes come we have to ask ourselves, “Who am I & What am I left with now?” Whether it’s after 1 or 20 years, when we leave the game, what are we left with now? When we’re no longer doing what we worked so hard to get, we better have a clear picture of our identity.

I’m a Man of God before I’m a football player. @RB4JC Share on X

Whether it’s after 1 or 20 years, when we leave the game, what are we left with now? @RB4JC Share on X

2. Trust & Go

We must remain faithful where God has us while we’re waiting on the next chapter. How we leave one season determines how we enter the next. Be faithful where you are while looking at where you want to go. Trust.

When your next chapter is opened, don’t be afraid to step out and do what He’s called you to do. The road might not always be visible but there’s a destination and God with navigate it. Go.

We must remain faithful where God has us while we’re waiting on the next chapter. @RB4JC Share on X

When your moment arrives, don’t be afraid to step out and do what He’s called you to do. @RB4JC Share on X

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;



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