How to Keep Great Volunteers Engaged

We’ve all been there.
10 new volunteers sign-up ? – 5 volunteers show-up – ? 2 volunteers stick it out.?
What’s the deal? What can we do to move more people from Sign-Up to Show-Up and more importantly how do we get the ones who show-up to stick it out?
Any organization, especially churches, understand the power of the volunteer. They are indeed our most valuable asset. We wouldn’t be able to do many of the things we accomplish without the body of Christ coming together. So, how do we steward them, how do we bring value to them, how do we keep great volunteers engaged?
Here are 6 ways to keep great volunteers engaged.
1. Thank Your Volunteers Again And Again And Again.
Make sure your volunteers know how appreciated they are. If they don’t see their value or impact on the team they can become disconnected. Everyone wants to know they make a difference. Great volunteers are motivated and appreciated in many different ways. From a personal note, a thank you card, or acknowledgment in front of the team; great leaders find meaningful ways to add value to each volunteer.
For You: I have ordered a box of Thank You Cards for each Department. Comment below and I will have them for you.
2. Continue to Re-Cast Vision
Every time your team gathers you have an opportunity to re-cast the purpose, the vision, the “why” behind the “what. As Bill Hybels says, “Vision Leaks.” It is a leader’s primary responsibility to constantly refill their teams, their volunteers with a fresh dose of vision.
It is a leader's primary responsibility to refill their teams with a fresh dose of vision. Share on X
Share stories that re connect them to the “why”, read scriptures that support your purpose, create moments that bring the vision into the forefront. VIsion never thrives when it’s hidden.
3. Grow Your Team By Letting Volunteers Recruit Volunteers
Word of mouth is your great advertising. Volunteers who are encouraged to invite others will be your best recruiters. Share on X Volunteers who receive a one-on-one invite connect sooner and stick better than those who respond to a sermon on serving. While every member of the team should be encouraged to pursue new volunteers every team should a have a Recruiter. A Recruiter’s main role is to build the team from the inside. Every service they attend is a mission field ripe for the harvest.
For You: If you don’t have one I encourage you to find someone to be a Recruiter for your team within the next 30 days. Ready, go!
Gaining and retaining great volunteers is not easy but it is very intentional. With a desire to add value to your team, constantly ready to re-cast the vision and a culture of growth you can have a impactful team ready to build His Kingdom – one story at a time.
January 2017 Monthly Leadership Session - Passion
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