August – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – David and Fiona Killough

August – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – David and Fiona Killough
What’s it like to live on the edge of passion? What’s it like to follow after your dreams and never look back? The two people who can best answer that question are David and Fiona Killough. They are disciples of Jesus who have spent their lives taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Together they are pioneering a new sector for Overland Missions in the country of Angola in Africa. This is their story.
3 Highlights From This Episode
1. Where is Angola?
Angola is a Southern African nation whose varied terrain encompasses tropical Atlantic beaches, a maze of river systems and Sub-Saharan desert that extends across the border into Namibia. As of 2016 it has a population of 28.81 million. A 27 year civil war has ravaged the nation, claiming millions of lives and nation wide devastation. Angola has one of the world’s highest infant mortality rates and lowest life expectancy levels. Although it has become a major oil supplier mass poverty is still rampant.
2. Who are the Mucubal people?
The Mucubal people are a subgroup of the Herero people in southern Angola. Like the Masai, to whom they are said to be related, they are semi-nomadic, depending on cattle and agriculture. They live as cattle raisers and engaged in agriculture. They reside in a large area between the slopes of Chela Mounts in the north, and River Cunene to the south, where they are believed to have stopped during the Herero migration, about 300 years ago. Generally speaking they do not care about the rest of the world outside of the bush.
3. Who are David and Fiona Killough?
David and Fiona Killough are disciples of Jesus who travel the world preaching the gospel. With their there daughters they will in an minister to the people of Angola. They serve as Angola Sector Managers for Overland Missions. Their passion for what they do is evident in their commitment and dedication to the Mucubal people.
Find out more about The Killough’s and their work here – The Killough Family.
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David Killough – Overland Missions
Fiona Killough – Overland Missions
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