Interview: Ben Lane on Overcoming Perfectionism

Interview with Ben Lane on Overcoming Perfectionism

If you can lead here you can lead anywhere. Turns out it’s really true. The best leaders are able to reach their goals and help those around them, no matter where they are. From different roles to different organizations we can be influencers wherever we are. What does it take? What does it look like to lead no matter where we land in life? How can you be a leader where you are? Let’s talk about it.

Guest: Ben Lane

Ben Lane is a Senior Staff Trainer with Shelby Systems. With over 20 years experience as both a Pastor and Shelby Systems trainer, Ben has worked with churches and leaders all over the nation.


2 Things From This Episode

1. Balance

To overcome perfectionism you must have balance. It’s not about shutting people down but earning their trust and hearing their concerns. Leaders who suffer with perfectionism tend to expect the same things from those under them. They can place unnecessary burdens that can stress the entire team.

To overcome perfectionism you must have balance. Share on X Leaders who suffer with perfectionism create unnecessary burdens and stress on their teams. Share on X


2. Focus

Often a temporary change in focus allows you to return with a renewed energy. Fresh eyes can often find the small issues that can mean the difference between success and frustration. Sometimes people can become so focused on the details they loose view of the big picture.

Sometimes we can become so focused on the details we loose view of the big picture. Share on X




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