March- 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – The One Place Everyone Needs to Stay

March – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – The One Place Everyone Needs to Stay

There are so many places to go and so many things to see. As a leader we can go and be anyone. Where can we go, what can be obtain to help us be the person we’re created to be? Where’s the one place everyone should stay? Hint – It’s Metaphorical. Let’s talk about it.

3 Highlights From This Episode

   1. Ask More

The more questions you ask question the more the people around you feel comfortable sharing their input. Asking questions has a way of keeping our pride in check.

Asking questions has a way of keeping our pride in check Share on X

    2. Listen More

We can ask all the questions in the world but if we don’t truly listen then it does us no good. Listening doesn’t mean you agree but it does allow you to take in the perspective of others.


    3. Thank More

Gratitude is the great enemy of pride.  The more you appreciate others, the more you value them. To stay in a place of humility we need to say thank you more, show our thanks and elevate those around us.

Gratitude is the great enemy of pride. Share on X


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