September – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Doug Paul
September – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Doug Paul
Doug Paul is the Pastor of Vision & Mobilization at East End Fellowship in Richmond, Virginia, an Innovation Strategist with 100 Movements and author of the newly released “Ready or Not: Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World” The world around us is changing. Are you changing with it? How is your leadership standing up to the test of time? Do you have what it takes to bring innovation to the forefront? Let’s talk about it.
Highlight From This Episode
1. Times Are Changing.
In the past, culture would completely change every 20-30 years. An entire generation could live in relatively the same world. With the reach of mobile technology culture now reinvents itself every 18 months. Not only does the world you lived in 2 years ago not exist anymore but the methods you used, even your leadership style, are far less effective than you think. Change isn’t coming, it’s happening right now. It’s shifting under your feet. Leaders need the skill of innovation like a carpenter needs a hammer. It’s not the only tool in your tool belt but if you’re missing it, you will be an ineffective leader.
Change isn't coming, it's happening right now. It's shifting under your feet. @DougPaulJr Share on X Leaders need the skill of innovation like a carpenter needs a hammer. It's not the only tool in your tool belt but if you're missing it, you will be an ineffective leader. @DougPaulJr Share on X
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Purchase Ready or Not: Kingdom Innovation for a Brave New World
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