September – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – The Disney Magic In 3 Mins

September – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – The Disney Magic

I love Disney. I want to be here. And last year over 150,000,000 people visited a Disney Park around the world. But, why? They all call it something a little different but at the end of the day we boil it down to… “The Disney Magic.” What is this magic? What do they have that other places, that other people don’t have? What’s the sticky factor that draws people in and keeps them coming back and how can we use it in our own lives? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. Times

If you want people to feel like they matter you can’t just spend one time… but be willing to spend multiple times with them. Time is your greatest resource and how you spend it is your biggest investment. Want to see where you’re investing the most; check your calendar. At Disney, they take their time and make you feel like you matter, like you are their most important guest. At Disney, everyone matters and everyone wants to matter.

Everyone matters and everyone wants to matter. Share on X


2. Times

To show others they matter, for others to believe they matter you must be willing to “times” their lives. You must be willing to add value to them. Be the kind of person who gives compliments, offers encouragement, provides a helping hand. When others leave your presence they should feel better about themselves and their situations. Multiply those around you and they will know that they matter.

When others leave your presence they should feel better about themselves and their situations. Share on X



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