Prayer is the ∆

Galileo once said, “Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe.” If mathematics is a language then it’s no wonder why we use symbols to define concepts. In Arithmetic, the ∆ symbol is more than a triangle. It’s the symbol for Change or Difference.
For example:
IF X = 3 & Y = 2 THEN ∆ of x y = 1
(X equals 3 and Y equals 2 then the Difference in X and Y equals 1)
∆ is the Difference.
But we’re not mathematicians are we? We’re Sons and Daughters of God, hand-picked to call the world to follow us, as we follow Christ. There is no higher calling, there is no higher purpose, there is no higher cause to live for than following Christ. God has chosen us to help bring His will on the Earth and His has given us a secret – not a so secret weapon. Prayer.
The God of Heaven and Earth has a 2-Step process to spread the name and fame of Jesus across all of creation.
Step 1.
Redeem and restore a people by the love of Jesus.
Step 2.
Release the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives when they pray.
When a people loved, chosen and called by God are filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer they are an unstoppable force.
When a people loved, chosen and called by God are filled with the Holy Spirit through prayer they are an unstoppable force. Share on XYou may have gifts, and possess talents but without prayer you are missing the key element to releasing the power of God over you, your volunteers, your teams, your life. When you pray you release the power of the Holy Spirit.
When you pray you release the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the difference. Share on XPrayer is the ∆.
Want to see more of the Holy Spirit powers in your teams? Prayer is the ∆.
Want to know God’s heart and direction for your ministry? Prayer is the ∆.
The Holy Spirit’s involvement will never be greater than your level of prayer.
The Holy Spirit's involvement will never be greater than your level of prayer. Share on X
Questions For You?
What is your level of prayer for and over your teams?
How are you seeing the Holy Spirit move in those you lead?
What are you praying for?
What Is That?!
In Laymen's Terms