Side By Side with Phil Stevens on Success

Side By Side with Phil Stevens on Leadership Principles that Lead to Success.
Nothing of significance is accomplished by accident. If we’re ever to find success in our passion and purpose, then we must be intentional about how we get there. How do we achieve the dreams the Lord has placed inside of us? What are the leadership principles that contribute to our success? Let’s talk about it.
Guest Links: Phil Stevens
Phil Stevens is a filmmaker, business strategist and relational leader who improves the way big companies service their customers.
Bead Head Media Founder & Director
Marriage Pressure Points Creator
Phil Stevens on Twitter
3 Things From This Episode
1. Get Your Ego Out of the Way
When God tells you to give away what you’ve created, you better know how to get out of the way. Everything I make has to be God-lead, aligned with him, and not for my glory. I want to create cool stuff but I want to point everyone back to Jesus.
I want to create cool stuff but I want to point everyone back to Jesus. @philstevensfilm Share on X
2. Seek Wise Counsel
Have a group of people that you can reach out to for counsel. Many times we need to seek wisdom on our businesses, jobs and life but have nowhere to turn.
3. Lead with Love
People will come and go from your teams. If you lead with love from the beginning, when they leave, they will leave with Jesus. When we start from a place of love, usually we end up with a great conversation.
When we start from a place of love, usually we end up with a great conversation. @philstevensfilm Share on X
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