Side By Side with Montell Jordan on the Unknown

Side By Side with Montell Jordan on Leading Through the Unknown

3 Things From This Episode

What happens when God calls you to do something you’ve never done before? What do you do? Will you succeed, will you fail or will you be too afraid to even try? What will it take for you to be the kind of person that Jesus can trust with tomorrow? Will the Holy Spirit be able to use you when He wants to do something new? Can God trust you with what’s next? Leaders are the carriers of God’s will for tomorrow. Are you ready to lead through the unknown? Let’s talk about it.

1. Safe is not significant.

When we play it safe, when we stick to what we know we can do, we rarely find significance. It’s only by venturing out into the unknown that we discover our full potential. Even the disciples became more significant fishermen once they met Jesus and understood the waters they were fishing in. Jesus calls us to cast our nets out and see who we can influence. Share on X But it requires us to get into uncomfortable places.  If no one is willing to go into the unknown space, the places of significance will go untapped.

2. Develop a full reliance. 

Fear will keep you on the sidelines when you should be diving in. Share on X God will always sustain you where He calls you. There may come a day when you’re asked to moved from your giftedness (what you’re good at) to operate in your calling (what God has asked you to do). Your answer will reveal how much you are willing to rely on Him.

3. When the need meets your No. 

God will allow circumstances to create a place of need right in front of you. What happens when a leader is needed in ministry? Other leaders have to be grown and groomed at a faster pace to fill the need. It may not be what you thought you were good at but God will use the need to put you in places you may have said “No” to. Remember God doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called.



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