Side By Side with Mike Turner on the Power of Vision

Side By Side with Mike Turner on the Power of Vision
What do you have a vision for? What do you see that you know you can do something about? There’s a lot of talk about getting things done but where do we start? What does a life fully surrendered to a God sized vision look like? How do we get, keep and grow a vision for our lives? Let’s talk about it.
Guest Links: Mike Turner
Mike Turner is the Co-Founder and President of Lifelink International. With over 25 years in missions he oversees Lifelink Centro Escolar (Lifelink School Center) with over 465 kids (Pre K – 7th grade), an international child sponsorship program and a staff of over 30 local and foreign workers.
Co-Founder & President of Lifelink International
LifeLink Child Sponsorship Site
LifeLink Short / Long Term Missionary Site
Email LifeLink
2 Things From This Episode
1. Vision Grows With Obedience
God will give you a vision but it’s up to you to stick with it. Day by day the vision grows and becomes more defined. You may not see the full picture because many times we couldn’t handle it. The spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, & financial, challenge would scare us away. The Lord will give you small pieces of the vision for you to be faithful with. Perseverance, passion and forward movement helps you reach your vision.
- What do you have a vision for? What is the preferred future you see?
- Are you being faithful with the part of the vision you have been given?
2. Obstacles to the Vision
The key to overcoming the obstacles to your vision is passion. You have to keep the passion inside of you kindled. When the passion on the inside of you is greater than the circumstances around you, the stage is set for greatness. Know the reason you’re doing what you’re doing and stick to it.
- What obstacles to your vision are you facing?
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