July – 2017 Monthly Leadership Session – Freedom & Leadership

July – 2017 Monthly Leadership Session – Freedom & Leadership

As we approach the 4th of July many will think about the freedoms and rights we have as a nation. But what happens when we go higher in leadership? Do we still have the same freedoms, do we still have the same rights? What is the purpose of our leadership and how does it affect those around us? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. Higher is Less

We often want what we want – when we want it. Anything that limits our choices is often seen as a threat. But in leadership all of the pros, and benefits of being a leader are given to YOU, FOR everyone you lead. When you become a leader, as your influence grows, the higher you go in an organization, the less freedoms, the less rights you have.

A great definition of freedom by Robert Ferguson is


As leaders, the more responsibility you have, the fewer personal options you can expertise.

All of the pros, and benefits of being a leader are given to YOU, FOR everyone you lead. Click To Tweet The higher you go in an organization, the less freedoms, the less rights you have. Click To Tweet As leaders, the more responsibility you have, the fewer personal options you can expertise. Click To Tweet


2. Where You Are

The skills you learn now are the things that will set you apart tomorrow. If you can learn to be on the top of your game, no matter where you are, then you are primed to become the leader your organization needs. Prepare yourself now for the role you want to be in.

Learn to be on top of your game, no matter your role, and you're primed to become the leader your organization needs. Click To Tweet


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