November – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Lev Kushner

November – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Lev Kushner

Lev Kushner, the founder of Department of Here – an urban brand strategy agency that helps developers, cities, and placemakers put their places on the map, has over 12 years of experience serving in both private and public sectors. From the Bloomberg Administration in NYC to the Lee Administration in San Francisco, Lev is passionate about helping people connect with their environments in a powerful and meaningful way. What does where you live, work and play intersect with your emotional connection to your city? How can leaders tap into the power of what we do and where we do it? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlight From This Episode

1. The Sticky Factor

There are major moments where people are more present than normal. Leaders can look for ways to connect the significant moments in the lives of those they lead to where they were when it happened. The connection between Emotion and Place is powerful and sticky. Where we lead and influence those around us may not be special but it becomes special by what we do together. It’s the accrual of the memories over time that makes where we connect to one another special.

The connection between Emotion and Place is powerful and sticky. @levkushner Share on X

It’s the accrual of the memories over time that makes where we connect to one another special. @levkushner Share on X

2. Finding Your Tribe

Even though we are all different there are so many things that connect us together as a community, a tribe. Our communities are the melting pots of people. A leader’s role is to get us to look across the room and notice the other people doing the same thing at the same time; the rituals of life. The power of recognizing these rituals wires us to see ourselves as a connected community, a tribe. A tribe takes pride in one another, a tribe wants a deeper more meaningful connection and as leaders we can help take people there.

Our communities are the melting pots of people. @levkushner Share on X




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Read more from Lev at Dept of Here Writings
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