May – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Bill Comai

May – 2020 Monthly Leadership Session with Bill Comai
Bill Comai and his wife Krista are the Lead Pastors at The Journey Church in Livonia, MI. They have a heart to see the life transforming influence of Jesus change the way people in our city lead in their homes, in their businesses, and lead themselves. How are they leading themselves and others in this season of constant change? What can we learn from their example? What can we do to help those around us?  Let’s talk about it.

Highlight From This Episode

1. Put On Your Own Mask.
We’ve all heard the in-flight safety speech on planes where we’re told “In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically descend from the ceiling. Secure your mask before assisting with others.” We understand that we’re useless to other if we’re not taken care of. Leading yourself is one of the most important things you can do. How are you putting your oxygen mask on today? I am at my best when I’m at my healthiest. We must take care of ourselves spiritually, emotionally and physically, especially now in this season of so many unknowns.  

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