January – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session – How to Keep Moving Forward

January – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session – How to Keep Moving Forward

It’s the first month of 2019 and a lot of people are making their goals, and plans for the new year. Regardless of what others may say, starting a new goal is the easy part. The hard part is keeping it, maintaining it, moving forward. Today we talk with Courtney Kelly, the Founder and CEO if Neo Psalmz Music in Atlanta, GA. With over 15 years in the music industry Courtney knows what it takes to chase your dreams and to keep moving forward. What about you? What do you want to do this year? What are you doing to make that happen? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. Know where your dreams comes from.

When you know your dreams come from God it’s makes it much easier to trust Him to do the work. When you have a dream that you don’t chase it becomes a nightmare that chases you. You have to chase your dream with all you have and nothing less. You have to be authentic or nothing else matters. If God put this dream inside of you then know that He is the one to make it happen.

When you have a dream that you don't chase it becomes a nightmare that chases you @reddlettaz @thadanneytannahklub Share on X

2. Never give up!!

You don’t fail until you quit. Getting it wrong is a part of the process, even if you know what you’re doing, everyone can improve. Without taking some losses you won’t be able to appreciate the Win when it comes. Many people are so focused on the end-game that they forget to live in the right now. You have to keep chipping away at it until your work becomes that sculpture that you imagined.

You don't fail until you quit @reddlettaz @thadanneytannahklub Share on X Without taking some losses you won't be able to appreciate the Win when it comes @reddlettaz @thadanneytannahklub Share on X Many people are so focused on the end-game that they forget to live in the right now. @reddlettaz @thadanneytannahklub Share on X

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