Interview: Israel Piotter on Leading While Honoring Your Family

Interview with Israel Piotter on Leading While Honoring Your Family
Leaders can be driven and focused at work but forget to take care of their personal lives. How can we make sure we’re giving 100% of ourselves at work and at home? Is there a way to be fully engaged without sacrificing our families? Let’s talk about it.
Guest Links: Israel Piotter
Israel has been a life coach, mentor and lay counselor for over 15 years specializing in issues of relational brokenness. He’s has been married for 9 years has 3 children and has been doing ministry with his wife for over 12 yrs.
Israel Piotter on Twitter
2 Things From This Episode
1. Having right priorities.
It’s about having right priorities. Early on my wife said it felt like it was very hard for me to pull away from work and be home. She noticed before I did. There are many pastors that can fulfill the calling of God here at the church but there is only one pastor who can fulfill the calling of God at my home.
Many can fulfill God's call at work but only one can do it at your home. @Israelpiotter Share on X
2. Getting honor from the right place.
Whatever I do around the office will be measured and rewarded. I’ll sit in front of my supervisor and he’ll say, “Good Job” and give me a pack on the back. But you don’t always get that from your wife, kids, or family. My kids don’t say; “Dad thanks for changing my diaper” The truth is it’s easier to get immediate reward from work than from home. Honor is easier to come by in the marketplace, in serving. If I hinge all of my value and worth on human accolades then I’m setting myself up for disappointment and failure. We have to run back to God for our honor.
The truth is it's easier to get immediate reward from work than from home. @Israelpiotter Share on X
We have to run back to God for our honor.@Israelpiotter Share on X
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