February – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session with Jamaal and Crystal Pompey

February – 2019 Monthly Leadership Session – Jamaal and Crystal Pompey

In this session we speak to Jamaal and Crystal Pompey about music, life and love. This Grammy Award Winning Singer-songwriter, producer duo has seen all the highs and lows life has to offer and yet they’re still standing. After a successful career writing for artists such as Beyoncé, Rihanna, Janet Jackson and Mary J. Blige, they discuss their journey towards authenticity and significance. How do you thrive but stay true to who you are? How do you press in to creativity while not caving in to mediocrity? How do you reach for success while not sacrificing your family? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

1. How do you balance being authentic with being accepted?
People connect with authenticity more than “rainbows and butterflies.” Life has both and you often don’t appreciate the beauty of the rainbow till after the storm has passed. I’m very sober in my music, in my writing. I’m not too depressed but also not too “let’s go run in a sunflower field.” There are two sides to every coin and I want people to get a full currency of music from me.

I don’t write for others. Whenever I begin to think about what people want to hear it destroys my creativity. It’s the kryptonite to my creative process.

You often don't appreciate the beauty of the rainbow till after the storm has passed. @1crystalnicole Share on X There are two sides to every coin and I want people to get a full currency of music from me. @1crystalnicole Share on X I don't write for others. Whenever I begin to think about what people want to hear it destroys my creativity. It's the kryptonite to my creative process. @1crystalnicole Share on X

2. How do you keep fame from competing with your marriage?

Jamaal: Even though I’m not the one out front there is no power struggle in our household. Even though Crystal commands a room when she walks in it doesn’t breed insecurity in me. 
Yes, our marriage is out front because we want others to see it and get hope. That even after downfalls you can still be who God created you to be. We want a marriage that resembles what Adam and Eve were supposed to be in the garden.

Even after downfalls you can still be who God created you to be. @jrocsmuzic Share on X @1crystalnicole and I want a marriage that resembles what Adam and Eve were supposed to be in the garden. @jrocsmuzic Share on X

Crystal: I heard someone say, “Real power can whisper.” People can think the more powerful, more dominant person is the one you hear and see all the time. But for us, the opposite is true. Jamaal was the first to exercise what it looked like to be a child of God.
He came to me and said, “Here are the mistakes I’ve made, this is who I am. Whether you take me back or not, whether you love me or not, I have to do what God is telling me to do.” He was willing to lose me to find the Lord. When he showed me that, I knew that was a man I could follow.

Real power can whisper. @1crystalnicole Share on X

Check out Crystal’s Music on IAmCrystalNicole.com
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