February- 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – What Happens When You’ve Lost Respect For Your Leaders

February – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – What Happens When You’ve Lost Respect For Your Leaders

It’s an all too common yet terrible place to be. You’re working and suddenly something happens that starts to erode the trust between you and your managers, your leaders. Without a foundation of trust it’s impossible to plan and achieve a common future. How do you rebuild respect? How do you reestablish trust; especially in those who lead you? Let’s talk about it.

2 Highlights From This Episode

   1. Look For Sources of Disrespect

Disrespect in a relationship is like poison in the watering hole. A relationship simply cannot survive a constant contamination of disrespect. It erodes trust, and destroys confidence. While public disrespect burns more even private dishonoring halts the relationship. 

Disrespect in a relationship is like poison in the watering hole. Share on X

    2. Create New Patterns.

Our brains operate in patterns. It creates small programs that run whenever we enter a situation. Walking into Walmart pulls up the Walmart script, walking into a Publix opens the Publix program. I don’t have to actively process how to behave in those places.

If you’ve lost confidence, trust or respect for your leadership you must create new patterns.

Refuse to view things through the lens of what used to be but open yourself up to a new healthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

If you’ve lost confidence, trust or respect for your leadership you must create new patterns. Share on X



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