April- 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – Maybe You’re Not As Good As You Thought You Were

April – 2018 Monthly Leadership Session – Maybe You’re Not As Good As You Thought You Were.
What happens when you think you’re further along than you really are? In this 2 part mini-series we’ll consider the “Maybe”. This month – Maybe you’re not as good a leader as you thought you were. What then? What now? Let’s talk about it.
3 Highlights From This Episode
1. You Stop Growing
The moment you believe you have arrived as a leader is the moment you are the furthest away from the true definition of leadership. When was the last investment you made into yourself as a leader? When was the last time you sat down to intentionally learn how to be a better leader? If you can’t remember, then that’s a sign that maybe you’re not as good a leader as you thought you were.
The moment you believe you have arrived as a leader is the moment you are the furthest away from the true definition of leadership. Share on X
2. You Do Most of the Talking
Leaders guide and cast vision but they also listen and coach. Do you watch and observe as much as you speak? When you spend time with the people around you, If you do most of the talking then that’s a sign that maybe you’re not as good a leader as you thought you were.
3. You Resort to Intimidation
Leadership that relies on intimidation and fear gives leaders everywhere a bad name. Leaders who are naturally comfortable with confrontation and conflict must try extra hard not to come across as overly aggressive or being a bully. But leaders who can’t be challenged and whose main method of communication is scare tactics, subtract from people instead of adding to them. If those you lead, those you have influence over fear you more than respect you that’s a huge sign that maybe you’re not as good a leader as you thought you were.
Leaders who rely on intimidation and fear give leadership a bad name. Share on X
Leaders whose main method of communication is scare tactics - subtract from people instead of adding to them. Share on X
Overcoming the Maybe:
Every day, stop and think back on interactions you’ve had and look for places you can improve.
Once you’ve considered what you could have done better, learn from it and renew your approach tomorrow. It’s not enough to know we could have done better, we must take the next step and do better.
Photo Source: Meme Center
Video Source: Fail Army
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